Lisa, Sustainability Manager (Germany)


Lisa is a Sustainability Manager at a high-growth German start-up. We worked together 1:1 for six months.

Lisa landed her current role – with better pay and more flexibility – while coaching. Since then, she’s taken major action to pursue a core dream that she’d been procrastinating on for over a year.

What was going on in your work & life when you began to work with Megan?

When I first reached out to Megan I was frustrated with my position at the time, and felt stuck. I wanted to have more impact with my work. I also wanted to feel more fulfilled in my career and in life generally.

What hesitation or concerns did you have about working with Megan?

My biggest concern about working with Megan was really more about myself, and me not being able to put enough time aside to achieve the best possible outcome.

What specific results have you achieved?

Since working with Megan I can see a lot of things a bit differently. I am much clearer about my values and what I need in order to feel balanced. I have a better understanding of things and habits that might stop me from actually achieving what I want to achieve. Also, I am better at taking a step back from a situation and reflecting on it before rushing into taking action.

In a more tangible way, I switched jobs to a more agile company that gives me more freedom to work in a way that's good for me (with a higher pay). I’m also about to get back into teaching yoga, which I wanted to do since finishing my training over a year ago but different things got in the way. This is a huge leap for me as I really have to get out of my comfort zone; it’s easy to be afraid that I’ve lost that skill.

What did you like most about working with Megan?

Megan has the ability to create a safe space, no matter the mood or theme of the session. It was possible for every emotion and mood to be there, and addressed if I wanted to. I felt like I could always be absolutely transparent and honest with Megan. Also, I really appreciated the structure for different areas of our work together.

What was the biggest thing that you took away from working with Megan?

How much peace of mind, and sense of structure, a good reflection can give me when everything seems a bit off. I’m also relating to myself differently; I’ve become more aware of habits like procrastination,  perfectionism and a lack of self-compassion, and I have more empowering ways to respond when those things come up.

What do you think would have happened if you hadn’t worked with Megan? 

I would probably still feel very stuck – while blaming myself for all of it. I'm sure my overall mental and emotional state would have gotten worse.  

Who would you recommend to work with Megan?

You should work with Megan if you want to invest in yourself and your personal development, not just on a surface level but much more transformationally: looking at unhealthy habits or thought patterns, unpacking what you are missing right now, and getting much clearer on what you need in order to feel more balanced, fulfilled, or motivated.


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