- Marco Carella, Global Sustainable Procurement Manager (Germany)


Marco is a senior sustainability professional within a multinational company. 

We worked together 1:1 for 10 weeks in a bespoke programme. During that time, Marco took the plunge to launch his professional voice online, leading to major new career opportunities and more clarity on what mattered most.

What was going on in your business & life when you began to work with Megan?

When I first reached out to Megan, I was inspired by what she wrote on her website. I saw one of the newsletters, and she wrote about her work and that she works right in between personal development, sustainability and business – and that inspired me because I work in business, I work in a sustainability role there now, so I have one important topic of mine integrated into my job. But I'm also inspired by the idea of working with people and helping them and coaching them. That's what Megan is doing. Also, I'm interested in combining it with the business world where I've been working for the last 14 years, so I wondered if Megan could help me move towards that direction where she already is.

What hesitation or concerns did you have about working with Megan?

My biggest concern about working with Megan was the financial investment, I struggled to decide whether I wanted to invest that money and whether it would be worth it. I had the impression that Megan would be exactly the right person to help me move on towards that direction, which I aspire to go to, because she is embodying it, and she's already right there. But finally, I realised that I'm running in circles, and I'm not able to resolve these issues alone. So I thought it would be valuable to have someone from outside, trained in helping people move through these kinds of decisions and challenges, so I decided to do it anyway and it was worth it, as I can tell you now.

What specific results have you achieved?

Since working with Megan, various things have happened. The most important thing which I consider as something that I can take with me through my life is a deeper connection to myself and my needs. I have increased the ability to listen to what's true within me and I've learned to bring up the courage to follow that calling. We always spoke about this picture of me being a sailing boat, built to go out into the oceans, experiencing adventures and discovering great destinations. But also daring to sail through storms and manage challenges. And I've learned to put more trust in my capacity to do that, so that's very helpful for my life. 

Another thing is that I've started to take actions towards these visions, towards these adventures out there in the ocean and one of them is that I've started to write online about what I think is worth being said. I've also decided to do a course, I’m doing an online writing course. I've decided to reach out to different consultancies, because I'm inspired by the idea to work as a consultant in sustainability, helping other companies to respect human rights in their own organisations and their supply chains, and how to improve the environmental standards. I'm having my first meetings with experts in that field discussing potential roles so that's great as well. And I've dared to follow a deeper calling and I'm doing a course which is called Regenerators, a great journey where it's about thinking beyond sustainability, towards how we can regenerate societies, our cultures and the planet. 

So it feels like I've left the safe port and I’m travelling now in the oceans, and daring to go through change, through challenges and towards outstanding, inspiring destinations.

What did you like most about working with Megan?

What I like most about working with Megan is her ability to attune fully to the situation and to your needs, to exactly what I needed. And that could be quite different, and also be completely different to what we plan to talk about, but she had the capacity to understand what's needed and to ask the right questions to help me understand it better myself, and to resolve the challenges like to find answers to questions which I couldn't answer for myself. So that was really very helpful and valuable. In general it was quite a lot of fun being in contact with Megan.

What was the biggest thing that you took away from working with Megan?

I think that the biggest thing I took away from working with Megan was the trust in myself. I've definitely increased the trust in myself, I have also deepened the connection to myself through our work and that's quite powerful, it's led to increased energy in pursuing my dreams.

What do you think would have happened if you hadn’t worked with Megan?

If I hadn't worked with Megan I would probably still be thinking about what I should do, I would still be unclear, I would have, like, the intuition of what is right, but I wouldn't follow it because I was so full of doubts, whether I could do it. I didn't see that I didn't trust my capacity to manage these kinds of challenges. Through that work with Megan, I became more aware of it and I got the opportunity to think about it and to basically discover that, yeah, I have the capacity to go through change, even if it might be difficult and take some risks, which are worthwhile to move towards a life which I perceive as more fulfilling. 

So, if I hadn't worked with Megan, I would have less trust in myself and I wouldn't pursue the things I am pursuing now. To make it more specific, I wouldn't write online, I wouldn't have created the connections and professional network, which came from online writing, I wouldn't have reached out to consultancies, starting to talk about what opportunities there are to work as a consultant, et cetera, et cetera. I wouldn't have started the Regenerator's journey, which I spoke about before, where I learned about how to become a leader for Regenerative thinking instead of just sustainable thinking. I'm also creating so many new connections, which are valuable for my life. All of that I wouldn't have done if I hadn't worked with Megan.

Who would you recommend to work with Megan?

You should work with Megan, if you have the feeling that you're somehow not unfolding your potential, if you have the feeling that you're standing in your own way. Or if you're experiencing outer challenges that are holding you back, but you don't know how to resolve them. I think that Megan can help you a lot to overcome them because she has the capacity to attune to you and to understand how to help you resolve them. What's needed from your side is openness, and the willingness to reflect about yourself. And if you're willing to do that, and if you're willing to invest some time and effort to also do your homework here and there., I am pretty sure you will get a lot of value out of that.


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