- Tessa, Founder (UK)


Tessa is fonder of Kingfisher Commons, a purpose-driven research consultancy and community academy that engages seldom-heard (‘heard to reach’) groups.

We worked together 1:1 in the following six months. Tessa’s business grew exponentially: she hired a team, and developed and launched her key products.

What was going on in your business & life when you began to work with Megan?

When I started working with Megan, I was well and truly living my life in my comfort zone. I was volunteering in a role that didn't feel like it served my higher purpose, and that I was doing out of obligation. It felt like I was using it as a way of distracting myself from succeeding in other areas of my life. I ran a business but wanted to be having a wider reach and deeper impact than what I was having at the time.

I was low in energy, anxious, and I was completely in the way of my business development and the way I showed up in the majority of my relationships.

There were other things going on: I was holding on to being a victim, getting caught up in perfectionism, and doing too many things that didn't serve my higher purpose and the impact I wanted to have on the world.

What hesitation or concerns did you have about working with Megan?

I didn't really have any concerns or hesitations about working with Megan, it was almost as if by divine intervention that Megan came into my life. I had been searching for a coach the weekend before, and the opportunity came up through a Power to Change support package that was received through the organisation I was volunteering for. So it was serendipitous that I started working with Megan, pretty much straight away. Because of the benefits of working with Megan, I chose to invest in more coaching once the hours awarded were up.

What specific results have you achieved?

  • Previously I was volunteering dozens of hours a week, and doing it out of obligation alongside running my business. Now, I only volunteer as and when it is enjoyable for me. This has been life-transforming.

  • I’ve created an Academy, Consultancy and Done for You service for my business.

  • I have invested in my business and have the trust and belief in myself now.

  • My relationships with myself, my children, and my partner have significantly improved because I have greater energy, I am more mindful and present with those I love.

  • I used to feel so rushed ALL the time!! I would feel that I should be doing something else - when with the children I felt I should be working, when working I felt I should be with the children... I no longer think that I should be doing something else.

What did you like most about working with Megan?

I was able to speak open and honestly, with her, it was an absolute breeze to do so. We went very deep in every single session. The results were dramatic and often instant.

She held a safe space to really get right down into the areas that needed exploring. I loved the visualisations and body awareness, and the chance to tap into what my body was telling me about something specific.

Megan always follows up to find out what can take the coaching to the next level. For me, I wanted accountability and some 'homeplay' after each session. Megan did not hesitate. She sent me nourishing resources to take things deeper. I shared with Megan that the best thing she could do when coaching me was to challenge me, and boy, did she do that.

What was the biggest thing that you took away from working with Megan?

  • The biggest takeaway has been about asking myself the right questions to help me reframe my thoughts and beliefs. I now stop myself sometimes and really ask myself: can I rephrase this question, or this problem or dilemma or opportunity, in a different way? The questions that Megan used to ask me, I also now ask of myself.

  • I worked with Megan to reframe fear, and my relationship to it. On two occasions we did two different exercises. One was a visualisation – and I had such a Eureka! moment that truly has been life changing. The other exercise made me realise that actually fear is a friend that is great to have on the back seat chirping in rather than allowing them to drive! My fear is a friend that has good intentions at the core, but can go a bit too far at times!

  • I used to experience anxiety on a regular basis and regard it as a bad experience that I tried to distract from. Now I allow it. I welcome it. I journal on it. I trust and surrender to the belief that what I am feeling and experiencing will pass and that I am grateful to learn from it. Thank you to Megan, I now live much more mindfully, not just during the positive times.

  • I have forgiven people I didn't think I could.

  • Changing the way I communicate with an ex partner / father of my child - letting go of what was and changing the energy of our communication.

  • No longer am I fearful of conflict and being controlled or manipulated. This has improved my daughter’s life, too.

  • I had an issue with duality - it being either/or. For example: ‘I am either a mum or an entrepreneur’. I have benefitted from going deep into this with Megan and discover what it means to be a woman, where I have allowed 'shoulds' to control my life, and how I can immerse myself in how I want to feel.

  • All exercises carried out with Megan have stayed with me. Particularly they helped me get to the heart – the context – of what was occuring.

What do you think would have happened if you hadn’t worked with Megan?

If I hadn't hired Megan, I suspect I would still be in that comfort zone, not where I wanted to be. I’d be volunteering as a distraction from other areas of my career and business development. And I would possibly still be feeling really rushed all of the time, and not being present with people who are important to me.

Right from the get-go, ‘radical simplicity’ became my mantra. When starting coaching I hadn't got awareness of my values and priorities. Having this as a mantra and applying it to all aspects of my life has meant that I am much more grounded and centred, meaning that I truly enjoy my life in a way that I didn't know was possible!!

Who would you recommend to work with Megan?

You should work with Megan if you really want to shake things up and change your life. I particularly recommend Megan work with female entrepreneurs, perhaps mothers as well, who want to have a positive impact on the world.

The world would be an incredible place if everyone had a coach like Megan. Coaching with Megan will continue to have a life-changing impact beyond the sessions. I wish this experience to all. I would 100% recommend coaching with her.


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