Announcing 18 Possibility Sessions

Image by Robert Katzki on UnSplash.

The word possibility has been on my mind a lot this year. As a new(ish) mum, I’ve been thinking about the kind of world I want to hand onto my child. And as a coach, I know that a great way to help create that kind of world is to support the people who are leading change for good. This autumn (2021), I’ve decided to do something about this, so that I support more people than I’m currently able to in my ongoing practice.

I’ve set myself an 18 Possibility Session Challenge.

I’m offering 18 one-hour conversations – one for each month of my son’s life – to purpose-led founders, entrepreneurs, and leaders who are struggling to close the gap between their vision and their reality.

Starting next week, I’ve set aside 4 hours each week, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, to offer no-cost, no-strings coaching that – I promise – will be illuminating and energizing.

We’ll work on your vision for the world and what might be calling you forward … how you might be holding yourself back … and what might become available – for you, for your family, for the world -- if your best possibility became real. 

In all my time coaching, I’ve never done anything like this. Challenging myself to have an impact in 60 minutes, with anyone who steps up to the plate, feels edgy. But I feel called to do this from a deeper place than my resistance. If you’re feeling the itch to step up to something bigger – and help me complete my challenge while I’m at it! – I encourage you to claim a spot. They’re first come, first served.

Update (November 2021): I enjoyed this challenge so much that I’m planning on doing it again. Watch this space!


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