- Kat Hamilton, Partnerships and Programs Director, Force of Nature


Kat Hamilton is a Director at Force of Nature, a youth nonprofit mobilising mindsets for climate action. 

We worked together 1:1 for six months, and have since renewed our coaching. Since we began, the nonprofit has almost doubled in size and has broken its previous fundraising efforts, while also implementing a four-day work week to model a more sustainable way of working.

What was going on in your business & life when you began to work with Megan?

My name is Kat Hamilton, and I am the Partnerships and Programs Director at Force of Nature. We are a youth nonprofit mobilising mindsets for climate action. When I first reached out to Megan, I was fairly early on in my journey as a Director of a Force of Nature. I was feeling really challenged with stepping up as a leader in a way that I hadn't had to before in previous jobs, and also balancing my time and my energy investment in Force of Nature with my life and my well-being – because, working in a climate nonprofit, there is a sense of urgency and sort of distress around the work that we do as well. 

And it was a balance that was new to me. Having come from a background in tech and things that were more disconnected from the climate crisis, I found myself really heavily in my emotions. When I first reached out to Megan, I was really struggling to be a leader in the way that I knew I wanted to be at Force of Nature, while also maintaining and protecting my well-being. 

What hesitation or concerns did you have about working with Megan?

My biggest concern about working with Megan was the time investment outside of the active coaching sessions. I was feeling quite overwhelmed at work at the same time as I was approaching Megan for the first time. And so my biggest hesitation was definitely in what time I had available to integrate, and reflect on, the sessions that we’d be doing together and have those apply into my life. 

But other than that, I have to say, I really didn't have that much hesitation, because after the introductory session with Megan, I was so excited to work with her because of the energy that I felt she brought to the table and the way that we got on with one another. It felt like a really natural fit. And I think Megan's style of coaching and support really aligned with what I was needing, before that first session even started.

What specific results have you achieved?

Since working with Megan, I have found that my mindset shifts have been really major. 

I've come to move past really binary thinking that I found was restricting me in many ways, and also causing me harsh judgments about myself and my effectiveness in the world, as a climate activist and as a leader. I have a level of internal certainty and groundedness now about my being – the way that I am in the world, the way that I walk through the world – that I didn't have prior to working with Megan. 

And I find that I have a much better balance now, and structures to support living a life that is really values-driven for me. I understand what those values are, I have language around them, and I can really point to where in my life I'm out of balance at any given moment. 

And I've actually grown the team at Force of Nature: my team that I manage. I'm in a much better relationship with all of my team members, being able to show up as a leader with a lot of integrity and grace and love. And that has been really reflected in all of the conversations that I've had with anyone that I work with as well. They are really seeing me show up as a leader in the space, with both the certainty that is needed as well as the compassion and the flexibility to respond to challenges that inevitably come up when you run a nonprofit. And so, I've really seen that shift in a big way since working with Megan.

What did you like most about working with Megan?

What I liked the most about working with Megan was how I could show up to every session exactly as I was with what was coming up for me in that moment. 

The pre-session forms that I filled out each time, where I got a chance to reflect on what was coming up for me during the week, and what learnings I had had, really allowed me to ground into where I was before showing up to have a session with Megan. That was super valuable to be able to contextualise what was coming up for me during the week, and really ground into what would be most helpful to talk about or unpack during the session. 

Also, what was super helpful was getting me out of my head and into my body through a whole range of physical techniques, being able to be present to sensations and feelings coming up in my body. I found it super helpful to be able to stop trying to intellectualise all of my feelings and also really ground me into a practice now that I use in other parts of my life as well: to feel what I'm feeling, rather than just thinking about it. And that was super, super helpful during our sessions.

What was the biggest thing that you took away from working with Megan?

The biggest thing I took away from working with Megan was that the answers are within me, and also that I have to listen to my body and the emotions that come up, and the colours of those emotions and the feelings of those emotions.

I think the certainty that I have now in decisions that I'm making comes from the practice that I learned from Megan while working with her, of really checking in with my body and where I'm at. That has allowed me to be balanced in my reactions, in my responses, in my emotions, to really tap into what's going on for me and my body. And that's the biggest thing that I've taken away.

What do you think would have happened if you hadn’t worked with Megan?

If I hadn't hired Megan, I think I would be in a lot more reactive stress all of the time in my life. 

I think that I wouldn't have been able to grow and show up as a leader in the way that I have now at Force of Nature.

And I think I would be experiencing a lot more self-doubt, a lot more self-judgement, and I would be losing my peace as a result of that as well.

Who would you recommend to work with Megan?

You should work with Megan:

  • If you are a person who operates from a place of integrity or wants to operate more from a place of integrity

  • If you have any questions or uncertainty about your own leadership, power, ability to show up in the work that you do, which you care deeply about 

  • If you're a person who cares deeply about things, the world, your work, your family, and you're looking for answers or direction or steering in terms of being able to show up in a more holistic, integral way 

  • If you’re someone who is really looking for support and nourishment, particularly if you're a person who really pours everything they have into life, and you're looking for ways to also nourish yourself, understand yourself more deeply, and show up more deeply in your work and in your life, and in what you do as well. 

If you are any one of those things or all of those things, you should 100% work with Megan, particularly if you want to be able to show up more as yourself with a deeper understanding of who you are, in being able to give your gifts to the world.


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